NISM Equity and Derivatives Exam series 8

The NISM equity derivatives 8 exam is an important certification for professionals who are looking to work in the field of equity derivatives trading. The exam is conducted by the National Institute of Securities (NISM) in India, which is a leading institution for securities education and research.
The NISM equity derivatives exam covers many topics related to equity derivatives trading, commodity trading, and currency trading, including futures and options, hedging strategies, and risk management. The purpose of this exam is to test your knowledge and the skill set of candidates in this particular area to see if they are capable of handling equity derivatives trading.
Benefits of the NISM 8 derivatives exam:
- NISM provides industry recognition in the Indian equity derivatives market and helps individuals stand out when applying for jobs and promotions.
- Enhance your knowledge and skills in various areas, like derivative products, trading strategies, and risk management techniques.
- Holding NISM 8 certification helps with professional development.
- Passing the NISM 8 exam can open up new career opportunities to take on challenging roles in the equity derivatives market.
How to prepare for the NISM exam:
Candidates should study the syllabus carefully, and they have to make sure that they have a good understanding of all the topics. They can also prepare for the exam by enrolling in NISM derivatives courses and practising exams, which will give them a better understanding of how the questions will be in the real-time exams.
After clearing the exam, one can look into a career in the stock market field.
What are the job opportunities after completing the NISM exam?
- Dealing at a brokerage
- Support executives at a brokerage
- Risk management at a brokerage
- Sales at a brokerage
- Sales at a hedge fund
- Certification Validity: 3 years (later, you can retake the exam using the same online method or the CPA one-day training programme conducted by NISM itself).
- Exam time: 2 hours
Exam fees: Rs 1500 (non-refundable) - The question will be of the true or false and objective types.
- Negative marks: 0.25% (For every 4 wrong answers, 1 mark will be deducted.)
Note: Taking a hall ticket is mandatory with an identity card (government proof, like a Pan card) while going to the exam. Arrive at the exam centre 10 minutes early, and no calculator is required.
- practice a mock test or model exam with at least 300 questions and answers before taking the exam will help a lot to clear the exam.
- Don’t try to answer all 100 questions, because we have negative marks here.
Direct link to purchase NISM 8 exam Course: